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Opinion essays are often more difficult for students to comprehend because the format is not readily similar to any other types of papers you may have written thus far. An opinion paper allows for a more personal response and requires that you present arguments and evidence in support of your thesis statement or claim. Generally speaking, most students find it easier to write about something they already know a great deal about; however, if this were the case, there would never be any new topics introduced into conversations between friends!

The point here is that when writing your own opinion paper, you should certainly feel free to express your personal feelings on the topic, but at the same time, you must also be prepared to explain specifically why you hold that particular point of view. Your explanation will be in the form of evidence and/or logical reasoning. This means you must be prepared to support your opinion with facts and/or ideas that are relevant to the topic under discussion. Now let’s see an opinion essay: format writing tips topic & sample. Keep reading on!

Purpose of Opinion Essay

Tips For Formulating An Effective Opinion Essay Topic

The following is a list of tips for formulating an effective opinion essay topic structure:

1) Select a broad topic but narrow it down into one specific claim or thesis statement,

2) State that claims or thesis statement in the introductory paragraph,

3) Present evidence and/or logical reasoning in subsequent paragraphs to support your claims. If necessary, you may want to split this section up into sub-topics or categories. Be sure not to use any irrelevant information on the topics discussed above. It is also advisable that you avoid using first-person pronouns such as "I", "my", etc.

4) Conclude the essay by restating your thesis statement and providing an opinion on how effective you believe it is; include any recommendations for improvement if possible.

Follow this Opinion Essay Structure

Introduction/Paragraph One

Within this paragraph, you are to state your thesis statement. It is also advisable that you include a brief explanation of why or how the topic under discussion is important or relevant within today's society. Be sure not to spend too much time discussing background information in your introductory paragraph; this can be saved for subsequent paragraphs and/or sections if necessary:

Example: "Is it ever okay to sacrifice one person for the greater good?" This question may seem incredibly controversial; however, we must consider whether we would take such an action in order to save the lives of five people who were all in serious danger. Would it be acceptable? Would doing so make us no better than animals that kill for survival? This thesis statement is best used as a topic that can be discussed in more than one essay. For example, we could easily apply the above question to military personnel and/or prisoners of war: "Is it ever okay for soldiers to kill each other during the war?"

Thesis Statement:

This paragraph should include a brief explanation as to why you feel such an argument or thesis statement is valid or relevant within today's society. Furthermore, this is where you may discuss any background information related to the stated topic if necessary:

Evidence and/or Logical Reasoning:

Here you should present evidence (facts, statistics, etc.) as well as any logical reasoning (ideas that can be considered rational). If necessary, you may also discuss specific examples relevant to the topic under discussion:

Example: While most would agree that killing someone without just cause is morally wrong, many have suggested that sacrificing one person in order to save five others from a cruel death may not be considered murder. In fact, Aristotle suggests that we often value other people's lives more than our own; we can see this when we follow the Golden Rule: "treat others as you yourself would want to be treated". This is why it is generally acceptable for soldiers to kill each other during the war since they act upon orders considered just.

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Conclusion/Paragraph Two

This paragraph should briefly explain how effective or relevant your thesis statement is within society today. Be sure not to restate the exact same points made in the previous section without welcoming new ideas or examples. Furthermore, be sure not to use any personal anecdotes throughout this essay unless necessary:

Example: While it may seem that sacrificing one person in order to save five others from a cruel death is acceptable, it is important to consider the implications of doing so. If we are willing to make this decision in a life or death situation, what's stopping us from making it in any other sort of situation? It would certainly appear as though our logic becomes twisted when we begin applying our "sacrifice one person" moral code to non-life-threatening situations.

Be sure to proofread your essay for grammar and/or formatting errors! Unfortunately, no one set standard can be applied across the board; however, each instructor expects their students' writing samples to have certain attributes that cannot be overlooked. You may wish to research examples of effective essays for more information on the topic.

An Opinion Essay

Mistakes To Avoid While Writing an Opinion Essay

  1. Avoid mentioning your opinion unless necessary since it is not the focus of this particular assignment. Also, be sure to avoid expressing your personal anecdotes without presenting supportive evidence or logical reasoning to support your claims.
  2. Make sure not to state the obvious when it comes to stating why something is either moral or immoral; in other words, you should not simply claim that killing someone in order to save five others from a cruel death is acceptable since this is exactly what Aristotle's Golden Rule suggests! Instead, include relevant examples which can further establish your ideas and provide clarity, so the reader understands exactly what you are trying to communicate throughout this essay.
  3. While most instructors would agree that proper use of grammar within an essay is important, a few may allow for acceptable errors within an opinion essay. However, the absolute best way to ensure that you avoid any possible mistakes is to read through your essay multiple times before presenting it to your instructor!

Remember: Strong Argument is the Key to a Winning Essay

It may seem difficult to present a strong argument with little-to-no personal opinions being expressed throughout the essay; however, this simply means that you have done your job as an effective writer trying to connect with the reader! Keep in mind that instructors always appreciate well-thought-out essays written by their students. Proper formatting will always help you earn high marks on an essay. One major objective of the essay is to make the reader see your point of view on a certain issue. By having an open mind, the reader will better understand why you are writing what you are writing about. A strong argument can always be achieved through written words that effectively let others know where you stand on a particular issue. You may choose to write about a controversial topic about which you have strong feelings.

For example, you could write about your personal stance on global warming and whether or not it is a real issue. Perhaps you think it is a hoax, while others believe it is the reason why Earth's temperatures are rising each year. You should include scientific evidence in your essay. Be sure to add in some examples from your own life that will help readers understand why you feel the way you do about a certain topic. In case of doubt, feel free to get in touch with the experts at My Assignment Services!

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Jessica is a prolific academic writer known for aiding students in their academic assignments covering a wide range of subjects like nursing, management, economics, law, and more. Having over ten years in the industry, she has provided students with assignment writing help and guidance over a plethora of complex concepts that form significant sections of the assessment tasks. Being an avid reader and engaged in various research fields, Jessica has also been an academic research associate with My Assignment Services since 2015.


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